We are in the TOP 1000 successful suppliers

The company "Khabarovsk-Manhattan Trading House LLC" is in the TOP 1000 successful suppliers by the end of 2019.

The company "Khabarovsk-Manhattan Trading House LLC" is in the TOP 1000 successful suppliers, which is compiled every year by the electronic trading platform B2B-Center. The list participants were selected by an automated algorithm based on several business performance criteria.

The study was conducted among 462,406 companies participating in the auction on the electronic platform. The final list includes suppliers with the highest coefficient of wins in purchases. At the same time, the companies participated in at least 10 auctions of three different customers.

"The main advantage of the study is an absolutely impartial selection. Our platform generates the list itself based on objective data. The system cannot give preference only to large and well-known companies, therefore, individual entrepreneurs are included in the TOP 1000 along with industry leaders. The main criterion is the efficiency and approach to customers that the business demonstrates during electronic trading," said Andrey Boyko, Commercial Director of B2B-Center.

The company "Khabarovsk-Manhattan Trading House LLC" received the "Successful Supplier" badge Successful Supplier 2020 and a special mark on the B2B-Center site.

Among the successful suppliers were representatives of all sectors of the economy: equipment manufacturers, suppliers of oil and gas, metallurgical and chemical products, transport and insurance companies, banks and manufacturers of workwear.

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