Aquence GA 6602 Gel

Production of hardcovers (covers) of books, notebooks, folders, etc.Viscosity 2650±200 MPa.s is a universal product with high adhesive properties. Good adhesive properties when working at high temperatures and at high humidity. It is recommended for use on low- and medium-speed lid-making machines. Elastic film, does not tighten the cover materials, does not warp the paper


Relative grip time average
Relative open time average
Features A versatile, inexpensive product. It is recommended for use on low- and medium-speed, as well as semi-automatic lid-making machines.
Possible names of the material Adhsein Gel 6602 / Lessoflex 6602
Viscosity (mPa*s) 650 — 650
Operating temperature range 60° С
Chemical basis: Glue based on animal products

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